Our assortment can pay more for your forest

Good profitability within forest management is primarily driven by how high the net root price will be at the felling. To get the most out of your forest it is important with a broad understanding of forest management, felling and outtake of the different assortment. With help from long experience and deep knowledge we will help you to maximize the outtake from your forest, based on your goals and interests.

A complete partner

  • We buy coniferous and deciduous forest, often as a felling order, but also as cut logs, root purchases and root posts.
  • What we do not saw ourselves we sell to other sawmills and industries.
  • We help you with everything related to forest management.
  • We can offer professional and local contractors, mechanical and manual cutting (extra important with adaptation of deciduous forest).


Free guidance

If you are a forest owner in Halland, Western Småland or Northern Skåne you are very important to Bjernared. I offer you a safe, long-term relation with the best personal service. As a supplier of logs to Bjernareds Sågverk you always get free guidance in questions regarding the management of your forest. Also, if you are a forest owner with forest not ready for felling you are welcome to hire me for consultation.

Stefan Karlsson - Delägare på Bjernareds Såverk

Stefan Karlsson

Part-Owner / Sourcing Manager
+46 (0)70 247 10 45 / stefan@bjernared.se